Patch notes: 0.6.1 Improved Start



The focus of this update for Journey Online were new players. While there are only 3 revamped tutorials, i believe they explain in much more detail the first steps of the game. Since all the old tutorials were removed, there will be new tutorials added with the future updates that will focus on explaining all the miss information that was “obtained” before. The future tutorials that will be added: Adventurer window, Adventurer party window, Item upgrading, Adventurer powering up and evolving, Recruiting, Adventuring in the world, etc …

Happy to say that the previous update improvement regarding the world adventuring has increased performance with google and its world map provider for aprox. 87% overall.



  • Starting tutorials. 3 new phases of the revamped tutorial have been added.
    • Initial tutorial – focuses on starting battle concepts
    • Battle tutorial – Players must defeat an ogre
    • Free Adventurer tutorial – Players obtain their first B rank adventurer
  • New player daily rewards
    • New players will obtain rewards for each login of the first 48 days
    • Of the more notable rewards:
      • 1 Month of premium
      • 1 Epic recruit ticket
      • 1 Epic chest
      • 2 Epic keys
      • 1 Legendary recruit ticket
      • Over 2000 Platinum
  • A new daily quest has been added. When players complete all of the previous daily quests a new eight daily quest can be complete. When completed the each adventurer in the active adventurer party gains 50% of the current level requirement of that adventurer.


  • Old tutorials have been removed from the game
  • Platinum, Chest, Gold and Traveling Points daily quests have been improved
  • Increased the size of the back to tavern button by roughly 15% when players are adventuring

Bug Fixes:

  • Orc berserker animations for Death and GetHit were bugged. They will no longer loop repeatedly under certain conditions
  • If players do not have enough platinum to purchase traveling points the game will now properly alert them so.
Author jureveler
Categories News Updates
Views 1458