Patch notes: 0.6.9 Adventure map upgrades



  • Player can now move on the adventure map with a mobile controller that is located in the bottom left side of the game while on Adventure map.
  • Clicking on points of interest on the adventure map is now disabled
    • Players can instead choose from a list of proximity adventure objects that are available through the scroller on the right side of the screen.
    • A Single click will highlight the Raid/Shadow/Enemy/Chest the player is trying to interact with. A double click will interact with the adventure object.
  • Shadows, Associated Raids, Discoveries and Victories adventure events UI has been redesigned. They can all be accessed through the top left button on the screen.
    • When either Discoveries or Victories reward is available, players will see a notification icon shown on the new Points of Interest button.
  • Back to tavern button has been redesigned.

Bug Fix:

  • Bard character model has an issue with click detection on Adventure map and Battle.
Author jureveler
Categories News Updates
Views 1103